The Auto Vehicle Insurance Hassle: Worth It or Not?

As you might’ve guessed already, I won’t tell you not to get car insurance. But just because I’m pro-insurance doesn’t mean I’m pro-insurance provider; on the contrary, I think of them as nothing more than sleazy salesmen. Nevertheless, what they’re selling is important and therefore mandated across the country.

You might be wondering what this article’s really about? It’s about giving you the tools and information you need to protect yourself from financial setbacks.

Car Insurance

Asides from Virginia, Mississippi, and New Hampshire, every state requires car owners to have some form of non-liability insurance. However, the extent of insurance coverage required by the law varies from state to state.

For example, car accident compensation in Pennsylvania, required by law, is $15,000 for bodily injury per person, $30,000 for bodily injury per accident, and $5,000 for property damage. On the other hand, New Jersey only requires a $5,000 property damage coverage.


But basic liability is only meant for one specific situation where you’re the proponent. Accidents, however, can happen for any number of reasons, and all the parties involved suffer damages. That’s why many insurance providers offer multiple add-ons, adding up to a full-coverage plan. Most commonly offered add-ons are:

·       Collision Coverage is designed to cover the cost of repair or the value of your car, if totaled, in case of a collision.

·       Comprehensive Coverage is designed to cover damages incurred other than a collision.

·       Uninsured Motorist Coverage is designed to cover your losses in case the proponent isn’t able to.

·       Towing Coverage, also known as roadside assistance, is designed to cover towing costs.

·       Personal Property Coverage covers the cost of damaged items that are not a part of the vehicle.

How to Secure Your Benefits

From Jackson, MS, to Kingston, PA, car accident insurances have only one goal, to make as much money as possible. Since their operation is of paying huge benefits, they’ll try every underhanded means imaginable to deny your claims. But as promised, here’s the information you need to maximize your chances of getting your dues.

Insurance Selection

Step one is selecting the right policy:

1.     Get yourself a no or low deductible plan. It might have a slightly higher premium, but it’ll be a lot more accessible than a regular plan.

2.     Always compare insurances – how often a company follows through.

Accident Aftermath

Although providers conduct their investigation of the accident, you need to gather evidence too.

1.     If possible, take pictures of the collision – damage to the vehicle, bodily damage, and the number plate of the other party.

2.     Whether it’s Virginia or PA, car accident victims should always call their lawyers as soon as possible.


There you have it, everything you need to know about car insurance and how to improve the chances of getting your dues. Lastly, before signing on the dotted line, make sure to get the plan reviewed by a reliable and experienced car accident lawyer in PA. As a lawyer will not only review the plan for any inconsistencies but also advise you on what provisions better suit your needs.


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