What Are Your Rights If You Suffer An Accident At Work?
Even with strict laws and regulations in place, accidents at work do occur. In 2020, there were around 2.7 million cases of workplace injuries and illnesses reported in the system. Sometimes these injures are the result of negligent employers – unsafe working conditions, poor workplace environments, and questionable operational practices, that in severe cases may be borderline criminal.
However, sometimes an employer can do everything in their
power to provide a safe work environment to the employees but an accident may
still happen.
No matter how you got injured at work, the legal system is
on your side as you recover and recuperate. The Pennsylvania Workers
Compensation Act moves in 6 key ways to protect your rights after your
workplace injury. Hiring an expert accident
at work lawyer in Reading, PA is your best bet to make the most of this
legal protection.
The 6 principal rights you have under the PA Workers Comp Act include:
1. Right to File a Claim
One of the first things to do right after the accident is to
report it to your employer and file the relevant claim in Workers Comp court.
When you file the legal claim, the system automatically comes into action and
extends some specific protections to you.
2. Right to Medical Treatment
The law protects your right to seek medical treatment after
your injury or illness. The Comp Act instructs the employer to cover the
medical costs and provide you medical care.
3. Right to Legal Representation
You have the right to hire an accident at work lawyer in Reading,PA, and file a claim in court to get workers’ compensation. Your employer
cannot prevent you from doing that. Furthermore, refrain from signing off on
any paperwork provided by your employer or insurer unless you have hired an
attorney and they are present in that meeting.
4. Right to Return to Work
Once you have regained your health and your injury has
healed, you have the right to return to work and earn a living. As long as your
healthcare practitioner allows it, nobody can legally stop you from rejoining
the workforce.
5. Right to Compensation
For the time you are injured or ill, you have the right to
receive a portion of your salary as your workers’ compensation benefit. You are
also entitled to receive disability compensation if you’re unable to return to
work – temporarily or permanently – following your injury. Additionally, you
can also file a case for damages if you feel the injury has caused you serious
6. Right to Appeal
Finally, you have the right to appeal against any decisions
of the court, the employer, or the insurer that you do not agree with. Your
lawyer is the best source to guide you how.
Workplace injuries can be traumatic and a lot to deal with.
The right legal representation can share your burden so you can remain focused
on getting better. If you or a loved one suffers an accident at work, seek
medical help immediately and then call us so we can the legal wheels turning
for you.
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