What’s In A “Notice of Ability To Work”?
The “Notice of Ability To Work”, as the name implies, is a notice served to the injured worker when the insurer, insurance administrator, or employer receives medical evidence that the employer is capable of returning to work. The notice carries medical information or proof indicating that the injured worker has restored the ability to get back to work, in some capacity. It is required by Section 306(b)(3) of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act. But ‘ Notice of Ability To Work ’ is just a notice. It doesn’t mean that the employee has to return to work even if they don’t feel physically capable of joining the rigors of daily work. Here’s what a Notice of Ability To Work looks like … Source: https://www.dli.pa.gov/Businesses/Compensation/WC/claims/wcais/Documents/wcais%20forms/LIBC-757%20int.pdf Let’s break down and see what goes into this notice for injured workers in Pennsylvania. PA Injured Workers’ Detail: The first thing the document inc...